
BBa- school board powers & responsibilities

Date Adopted: 16 March 1988

Current Review / Revision: 12 November 1997

The members of the Board of Education of the Emery County School District are the representatives of the people of the District and are responsible to them for the operation of the schools in such a manner as to be consistent with established law and in harmony with accepted principles of education. To this end, these rules and regulations and administrative policies are adopted. They may be changed from time to time as conditions warrant.

The Board of Education encourages professional activities of teachers and allows all employees freedom to act within the limits of the authority delegated to them by the Board of Education.

The policies and rules as herein set forth are not intended to be all inclusive, but will be supplemented as the need arises, through additional policies as developed by the Emery County School District Board of Education.

Powers and mandatory duties of the Board are defined in State Statutes (53A). The Board is responsible for the operation of schools and school programs and takes an active role in addressing program deficiencies and sets the standards. The Board normally does this through the administration.

The most important functions of the Board of Education of the Emery County School District are:

  1. Policy Development: The Board is responsible for the development of policies and rules for the control and management of the School District.
  2. Appointment of the Superintendent of Schools: At the first meeting in June, the Board of Education shall appoint a superintendent of schools. He/she shall meet all requirements of law as to certification; shall subscribe to the constitution; the oath of office; and shall enter upon his/her duties on the first day of July thereafter. His/her term of office shall be two years and until his/her successor shall be appointed and qualified. She/he shall receive for his/her services such compensation as the Board may fix and determine. The Superintendent shall be the chief administrative officer of the Board with such duties as are prescribed by law and as are hereinafter described.
  3. Appointment of Business Administrator: The Business Administrator of the Board of Education shall be appointed at the time of the regular organization of the Board in January. His/her term shall be for two (2) years and until his/her successor is selected and qualified as provided by law. She/he shall furnish satisfactory bond as required by law and receive such compensation as the Board may determine. His/her duties shall be such as are stated by law and as hereinafter described.
  4. Budget Development: The Board is responsible to develop an annual budget that provides the financial base to ensure that the state’s minimum school program and the educational needs in Emery County are met.
  5. School Facilities: The Board may purchase, sell, and make improvements on school sites, buildings and equipment, and may construct, erect, and furnish school buildings. School sites or buildings may only be conveyed or sold on Board resolution affirmed by at least two-thirds 2/3rds of the members.
  6. Adoption of Curriculum: The Board is responsible to develop, through the district staff, a curriculum that complies with state regulations and meets the needs of students in the Emery County School District. The Board is also responsible for requiring appraisal of the educational program.
  7. Staffing and Appraisal: The Board is responsible for employing the staff necessary to carry out the instructional program and other functions of the district; the establishing of salaries and salary schedules, and other terms and conditions of employment, as well as personnel policies that have district-wide application. The Board is also responsible for providing an effective staff appraisal program that establishes regular evaluation for all personnel.
  8. Communications: The Board is responsible to provide adequate means for keeping the local citizenry informed about the schools and for keeping itself informed about the desires of the public.
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