
Bdb- school board officers

Date Adopted: 1 March 1988

Current Review / Revision: 4 January 2006

Officers of the Board

The Board of Education shall elect a president and a vice-president whose terms of office shall be for two years and until their successors are elected. The elections shall be held during the first board meeting in January following a regular school board election held in the District. An officer may be removed from office for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the board. Should the office of President or Vice-President become vacant for any reason, a replacement shall be elected for the unexpired term. (53A-3-201)

Duties of the President

The president of the Board of Education shall be the presiding officer of the Board. S/he shall preside at all meetings and shall be responsible for signatures on all warrants ordered by the Board to be drawn upon the

District’s bank accounts. S/he shall sign all conveyances, orders, notes, bonds, and other instruments which have been ordered to be executed by the Board or as provided by law. S/he shall perform other duties as are usually assigned to the presiding officer. S/he shall appoint all committees, by and with the consent of the Board (53A-3- 204[1]).

Duties of the Vice-President

In the absence or disability of the President, his/her duties shall be performed by the Vice-President. (53A-3- 204[2]).

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