
BeAA- Electronic School Board Meetings

Date Adopted: 3 May 2006

Current Review / Revision: 3 May 2006

It is the policy of the Emery County School District that electronic board meetings may be held if the following guidelines are met:

  • A quorum of board members are present at a single anchor location and vote to include other board members through an electronic connection.
  • A request by a board member to participate electronically is made at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
  • The number of separate connections for members of the Board to participate electronically is limited to two.
  • Proper public notice is given.
  • Board members are notified at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting of the intent to have electronic connections.
  • In the event of an emergency, the Board President or two board members, may call for an electronic meeting when is has been determined that it is necessary to do so in order to have a full quorum to deal with the emergency needs at hand.

Procedures for Electronic Meetings:

  • Prior to, or at the beginning of an electronic meeting, the presiding officer shall verify that proper notice of the meeting was given.
  • Prior to, or at the beginning of an electronic meeting, the presiding officer shall confirm that the non-present board members are connected via electronic means.
  • If voting is required, the presiding officer shall require a roll call vote, so that the non-present board members' votes may be taken.
  • The presiding officer shall require all participants in the electronic meeting to verbalize their statements and responses so that the non-present board members can hear them.
  • The presiding officer shall require that all visual aids and written materials not available to the non-present board members be verbally described.
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