
BEDD- rules of order & procedures

Date Adopted: 16 March 1988

Current Review / Revision: 7 September 2011

In accordance with State Statutes, the responsibility for the general administration and supervision of the public schools is vested in the Board of Education. The individual members hold an office of shared responsibility. They collectively constitute an agency of government whose powers, responsibilities, and duties can only be exercised by the Board as a whole, and only when that Board is officially in session. A simple majority of the Board members, in an official Board Meeting, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of official business.

The Board of Education adopts the following rules of order and procedures to govern during interactions with constituents of the School District, including at public meetings:

Parliamentary Order and Procedure

As its parliamentary guide for official public meetings, the Board of Education will use Robert's Rules of Order Revised, loosely interpreted.

Civil Discourse

The Board of Education will promote civil discourse during public meetings through the following guidelines:

  • Be prepared, on time, attentive and engaged.
  • Value each Board member as someone with the ability to serve honorably.
  • Value the diverse opinions of others and resolve conflict amicably.
  • Encourage the free expression of opinion by fellow Board members.
  • Have the courage to voice individual perspectives.
  • Listen closely to others, being careful about interrupting or dominating discussions.
  • Be open and approachable on any issue.
  • Honor the expressions of individuals or groups seeking an opportunity to speak before the Board
  • Express gratitude and show appreciation.
  • Be responsive to patron and employee communications and requests for information.

The Board of Education welcomes and encourages citizens to attend public Board meetings. All who attend Board meetings are expected to conduct themselves with civility and respect as follows:

  • Those wishing to speak to the Board will submit the form “Request to Address the Board of Education” to the President of the Board at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
  • Speak only when invited and keep comments within the time limit allowed by the President of the Board.
  • Value the diverse opinions of others and express ideas or opinions amicably.
  • Value each Board member as someone with the ability to serve honorably.
  • Respect decisions of the Board of Education, even if you disagree.

Ethical Behavior

In representing the Board of Education and School District, members of the Board of Education commit to the following code of ethics and conduct:

  • Represent the Board with dignity, honesty and integrity.
  • Represent all school district constituents honestly and equally.
  • Regardless of precinct, strive to represent the best interests of all schools and students in the District.
  • Reach and support Board decisions which represent the best judgments of the Board as a whole.
  • Encourage constituents that complaints should be resolved at the lowest possible level.
  • Refuse to surrender to special interest or partisan political groups.
  • Seek to understand our communities, communicate with them frequently and improve ways to gain input.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety.
  • Refuse to use Board membership for personal gain or publicity.
  • Take no private action that might compromise the Board or administration.
  • Respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
  • Work effectively with the Superintendent and his/her staff, maintaining clarity of the Board and
  • Superintendent’s varying responsibilities.
  • Be loyal to the policies of the District. If no policy exists, never commit the Board to any position or promise other than to discuss the matter as a Board.
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