Date Adopted: 13 November 2024
Current Review / Revision: 13 November 2024
Safety Needs Assessment:
Unless an exception or modification is granted by the state security chief, the District shall ensure that a school safety needs assessment is conducted by December 31, 2024, for each school in the District. A school’s assessment is conducted by the school safety specialist in collaboration with the county security chief or designee. The assessment will follow the form or process created by the state security chief and will determine needs and deficiencies regarding (1) appropriate school safety personnel (including necessary supports, training, and policy creation for personnel), (2) physical building security and safety (including required upgrades to facilities and safety technology), and (3) the school’s current threat and emergency response protocols (including any emergency response agreements with local law enforcement). The District shall report the results of each school safety needs assessment to the state security chief and the School Safety Center.
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.5(1)(a)-(c), (3) (2024)
Safety Personnel:
Unless an exception or modification is granted by the state security chief, the District shall appoint or designate school safety personnel as required by statute and according to the timeline established by the state security chief. The personnel shall include a school safety and security director for the District, a school safety and security specialist for each school campus, and (for each school and based on the results of the school safety needs assessment) at least one school resource officer or school guardian or armed school security guard.
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.5(2), (3) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.8(1) (2024)
School safety and security director
The District school safety and security director is the District point of contact for the county security chief, local law enforcement, and the state security chief. The school safety and security director:
1. Shall collaborate and maintain effective communications with local law enforcement, the county security chief, the District, and school-based behavioral and mental health professionals to ensure adherence with all policies, procedures, protocols, rules, and regulations relating to school safety and security;
2. Shall, as applicable, coordinate security responses among school safety and security specialists, school resource officers, armed school security guards, and school guardians;
3. If the school safety and security director is a District employee, shall be a member of the multidisciplinary team;
4. Shall have a valid concealed carry firearm permit; and
5. Shall complete the training requirements for school guardians, for school resource officers, and for armed school security guards.
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.5(2)(b) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.8(2) (2024)
Utah Code § 53-22-105(1)(a), (b), (d) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-703(4)(a)(ii) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-213(1)(a) (2024)
The school safety and security director does not have authority to act in a law enforcement capacity. The director may take actions necessary to prevent or abate an active threat and may temporarily detain an individual when the director has reasonable cause to believe the individual has committed or is about to commit a forcible felony. Except during an active threat, if the director is carrying a firearm on school grounds it shall be carried in a concealed manner and may not be displayed or open carried.
Utah Code. § 53G-8-701.8(3), (4) (2024)
Utah Code § 76-2-402(1) (2022)
School safety and security specialist
A school safety and security specialist shall be designated for each school campus in the District from among the employees of that school campus. The specialist may not be the school principal but may be the District school safety and security director unless there are 350 or more students enrolled in the school. During an active emergency at the school, the specialist is subordinate to any responding law enforcement officers.
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.6(2), (4) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.5(2)(c) (2024)
The school safety and security specialist:
1. Reports directly to the principal;
2. Oversees school safety and security practices to ensure a safe and secure school environment for students and staff;
3. Ensures adherence with all policies, procedures, protocols, rules, and regulations relating to school safety and security through collaborating and maintaining effective communications with, as applicable:
a. The principal;
b. School staff;
c. The school resource officer;
d. The armed school security guard;
e. The school guardian;
f. Local law enforcement;
g. The county security chief;
h. The school safety and security director;
i. The District; and
j. school-based behavioral and mental health professionals;
4. In collaboration with the county security chief or designee:
a. Conducts the school safety needs assessment; and
b. Conducts a building safety inspection at least annually using the results of the school safety needs assessment to recommend and implement improvements to school facilities, policies, procedures, protocols, rules, and regulations relating to school safety and security;
5. Serves as a member of the multidisciplinary team;
6. When deemed necessary by the specialist, conducts a behavioral threat assessment using an evidence-based tool recommended by the state security chief;
7. Monitors and regularly reports to the principal, local law enforcement, and the Superintendent or designee security risks for the school resulting from either issues with school facilities or the implementation of practices, policies, procedures, and protocols relating to school safety and security;
8. Coordinates with local first responder agencies to implement and monitor safety and security drills in accordance with policy and applicable procedures and protocols;
9. Ensures that school staff and, when appropriate, students, receive training on and remain current on the school’s safety and security procedures and protocols;
10. Following an event where security of the school has been significantly compromised, organizes a debriefing regarding strengthening school safety and security practices, policies, procedures and protocols with (as applicable):
a. The principal;
b. School staff;
c. The school resource officer;
d. The armed school security guard;
e. The school guardian;
f. Local law enforcement;
g. The county security chief;
h. The school safety and security director;
i. The District; and
j. School-based behavioral and mental health professionals;
11. Abides by District, school, and law enforcement policy outlining the chain of command;
12. During an emergency and as applicable, coordinates with the:
a. School resource officer;
b. School guardian;
c. Armed school security guards;
d. School administrators; and
e. Responding law enforcement officers;
13. Follows District, school, and law enforcement student privacy policies (including state and federal privacy laws);
14. Participates in annual training selected by the state security chief; and
15. Remains current on:
a. A comprehensive school guideline selected by the state security chief;
b. The duties of a school safety and security specialist; and
c. The school’s emergency response plan.
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.6(3) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-213(1)(a) (2024)
School resource officer
A school resource officer is a law enforcement officer who provides law enforcement services for the District under a contract between the District and the officer or the officer’s law enforcement agency.
The school resource officer’s responsibilities and duties are as outlined in Policy CEC and in the contract between the District and the law enforcement agency.
Utah Code § 53G-8-703(2) (2024)
School guardian
A school guardian is a school employee who meets the eligibility requirements and has been approved to be a school guardian by the school’s principal (or the Superintendent if a principal applies to be a guardian). A school may designate more than one school guardian. An employee’s school guardian status may be revoked at any time by the school principal, county sheriff, or state security chief.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(3), (8), (14) (2024)
A school employee may volunteer to be a school guardian if the employee’s regular work duties and responsibilities must require the employee to be physically present at the school’s campus while school is in session. The principal, a teacher, or a person whose primary responsibilities require the employee to be primarily present in a classroom to teach, care for, or interact with students are not eligible unless the person is employed at a school with 100 or fewer students, or employed at a school with adjacent campuses as determined by the state security chief, or unless an exception is made by the state security chief.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(1)(f) (2024)
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.5(3) (2024)
To be qualified for designation as a school guardian, an eligible employee must:
1. Satisfactorially complete the initial training for a school guardian within the prior six months;
2. Hold a valid firearm concealed carry permit;
3. Certify to the sheriff of the county where the school is located that the employee has undergone the initial training and intends to serve as a school guardian;
4. Successfully complete a mental health screening selected by the state security chief; and
5. Be approved by the school administrator to be a school guardian.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(3)(a) (2024)
A school guardian must complete the required annual and biannual training to retain the designation of a school guardian.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(1)(a), (b), (3)(b) (2024)
A school guardian does not have authority to act in a law enforcement capacity. The guardian may take actions necessary to prevent or abate an active threat and may temporarily detain an individual when the guardian has reasonable cause to believe the individual has committed or is about to commit a forcible felony.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(7) (2024)
Except during an active threat, if the guardian is carrying a firearm on school grounds it shall be carried in a concealed manner and may not be displayed or open carried. A guardian may store the guardian’s firearm on school grounds only if the firearm is stored in a biometric gun safe, that safe is located in the guardian’s office, and the guardian is physically present on school grounds while the firearm is stored in the safe.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(5) (2024)
Except when it occurs during a training exercise, a school guardian who points a firearm at an individual during the performance of the guardian’s duties shall file a report which describes the incident, identifies the individuals involved, and includes any other information required by the state security chief. The report shall be submitted within 48 hours of the incident to the school administrator, school safety and security director, and the state security chief.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(11), (12), (13) (2024)
A school guardian with active status in the school guardian program is not liable for civil damages or penalties if the guardian:
1. Threatens, draws, or otherwise uses a firearm reasonably believing the action to be necessary in compliance with Utah Code § 76-2-402 (regarding use of force in defense of a person); or
2. When carrying or storing a firearm, is acting in good faith and is not grossly negligent.
Utah Code § 53-22-105(10) (2024)
Armed school security guard
An “armed private security officer” is an individual employed by a contract security company whose primary duty is guarding personal or real property or providing protection or security to the life and well-being of humans or animals and who wears, carries, possesses, or has immediate access to a firearm in the performance of the individual’s duties. A “contract security company” is a company that is engaged in business to provide security services to another person, business, or entity on a contractual basis by assignment of an armed or unarmed private security officer. An “armed school security guard” is an armed private security officer who:
1. Is licensed as an armed private security officer under Title 58, Chapter 63, Security Personnel Licensing Act;
2. Has a valid firearm concealed carry permit; and
3. Has undergone training from the county security chief regarding:
a. The safe loading, unloading, storage, and carrying of firearms in a school setting;
b. The role of armed security guards in a school setting; and
c. Coordination with law enforcement and school officials during an active threat.
In order to remain eligible to be assigned as an armed school security guard at a District school, the guard must participate in and satisfy the initial, annual, and biannual training requirements for school guardians.
Utah Code § 53G-8-704(1), (4) (2024)
Utah Code § 58-63-102(3), (8) (2023)
Utah Code § 53-22-105(1) (2024)
An armed school security guard’s responsibilities and duties are as outlined in Policy CED and in the contract between the District and the contract security company employing the guard.
Utah Code § 53G-8-704(2)(b), (3) (2024)
An armed school security guard may conceal or openly carry a firearm at the school at which the guard is employed under the contract between the District and the employing contract security company.
Utah Code § 53G-8-704(5) (2024)
An armed school security guard who points a firearm at an individual or aims a conductive energy device at an individual and displays the electrical current shall file a report which describes the incident, identifies the individuals involved, and includes any other information required by the state security chief. The report shall be submitted within 48 hours of the incident to the school administrator, school safety and security director, and the state security chief.
Utah Code § 53G-8-704(8), (9) (2024)
Panic alert devices—
Consistent with the results of the school safety needs assessment, a staff person in each classroom shall be provided with a wearable panic alert device that allows for immediate contact with emergency services or emergency services agencies, law enforcement agencies, health departments, and fire departments. Before the beginning of each school year, all school building personnel shall receive training on the protocol and appropriate use of the panic alert device.
Utah Code § 53G-8-805(1), (2) (2024)
Law enforcement access to security cameras—
The District shall make all security cameras in school buildings accessible by a local law enforcement agency and shall coordinate with the local law enforcement agency to establish appropriate access protocols.
Utah Code § 53G-8-805(3) (2024)
Prevention and Intervention—
The District shall provide schools with curriculum materials regarding comprehensive violence prevention and intervention strategies such as resource lessons and materials on anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures. In so doing, the District shall make use of materials and resources provided by the State Board of Education. Schools may also provide age-appropriate instruction on firearm safety, including appropriate steps to take if a student sees a firearm or facsimile firearm at school.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-8(5), (6) (July 11, 2023)
To the extent resources permit, the District shall also develop or incorporate tiered student assistance programs. In developing student assistance programs, the District may coordinate with the State Superintendent and other state agencies.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846