Date Adopted: 3 December 2014 as EBC
Current Review / Revision: 13 November 2024
Adoption of Plan—
Pursuant to Utah Code § 53G-4-402(20), the Board shall adopt and implement a comprehensive emergency response plan to prevent and combat violence in the schools, on school grounds, on school vehicles, and in connection with school-related activities and events. Existing plans shall be modified as needed to conform to the requirements of rules issued by the State Board of Education. Plans shall be reviewed at least once every three years and updated as needed.
Utah Code § 53G-4-402(20)(a) (2024)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-3(4) (July 11, 2023)
Emergency Response Plan Committee—
The Board of Education shall appoint a committee to assist with development or revision or review of emergency response plans. The committee shall consist of appropriate school and community representatives, including the school safety and security director, and may include administrators, teachers, parents, officers of other governmental entities (municipalities, counties, or others), and fire and law enforcement personnel. The committee shall include representatives of governmental agencies and bodies vested with responsibility for directing and coordinating emergency services on local and state levels.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-3(3) (July 11, 2023)
Utah Code § 53G-8-701.8 (2024)
Contents of Plan—
The District Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan shall
1. include prevention, intervention, and response components, including standard response protocols;
2. be consistent with the student conduct and discipline policies required for school districts by statute;
3. require professional learning for all district and school building staff on the staff’s roles in the emergency response plan;
4. provide for coordination with local law enforcement and other public safety representatives in preventing, intervening, and responding to violence in the schools, on school grounds, on school vehicles, and in connection with school-related activities and events;
5. include a process to timely notify staff of a crisis;
6. include a student and parent notification policy that uses safe messaging;
7. identify one or more SafeUT liaisons to provide information from SafeUT to relevant stakeholders, communicate with SafeUT concerning updates and feedback, and attend the annual SafeUT training provided by the State Superintendent;
8. include procedures to notify a student who is off-campus at the time of a school violence emergency because the student is either participating in a school-related activity or excused from school for released-time religious instruction;
9. include, to the extent practicable, standards and protections for participants and attendees at school-related activities, including those off school property;
10. include measures to assure that during an emergency students receive reasonably adequate educational services and supervision during school hours during an emergency and for education services in an extended emergency situation;
11. include evacuation procedures to assure reasonable care and supervision of students until the student is released to a responsible party or as is permitted under State Board of Education regulation;
12. address access to school buildings by specific groups, including students, community members, lessees, invitees, and others;
13. include measures to assure that students and adults receive emergency preparedness training, including developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate training regarding rescue techniques, first aid, safety measures appropriate to specific emergencies, and other emergency skills;
14. establish a multidisciplinary team to identify interventions for students who may be highly impacted by a crisis;
15. identify and keep a record of crisis response professionals who may assist in crisis response and resources and community partnerships for follow-up or intensive care after a crisis;
16. identify resources and materials available for emergency training;
17. contain procedures for assessing and providing school facilities, equipment, and personnel to meet public emergency needs; and
18. provide procedures for recording District funds spent for emergencies (including funds spent for assessing and repairing damages) and for seeking reimbursement for such expenditures.
Utah Code § 53G-4-402(20)(b) (2024)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-4(4), -5, -6(1), -10(2)(b), -11(1) (July 11, 2023)
Formulation and Review of Plan—
In creating the comprehensive emergency resource plan, the Board shall consider and make use of resources provided by the Utah State Board of Education, including the plan models and other resources prepared by the State Board as provided for in Utah Code § 53G-4-402(20)(c), recommendations provided by the emergency response plan committee, and may consider such other resources it finds helpful.
Utah Code § 53G-4-402(20)(c) (2024)
The Board may direct individual schools to develop and implement school-specific emergency response plans to supplement the District’s plan according to the needs and features of the school.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-3(2) (July 11, 2023)
The District shall establish a parent and student reunification plan for each school in the District. Such plan shall provide for reasonable care and supervision of students until the student is released to a responsible party. Schools shall not release students grade 8 or below unless a parent or other responsible person has been notified and assumed responsibility for the student. A school may release a student grade 9 or above without such notification if a school administrator determines that the student is reasonably responsible and that notification is not practicable.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-5(1)(b) (July 11, 2023)
The District emergency response plan shall be reviewed at least once every three years, with the assistance of the District emergency response plan committee appointed by the Board of Education. As part of the review process, each school shall review existing security measures and procedures within that school and make necessary adjustments as funding permits.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-3(4) -7(1)(b) (July 11, 2023)
Public Notice of Plan—
A copy of the District emergency response plan and any school emergency response plans shall be filed in the superintendent’s office. At the beginning of each school year, written notice of the pertinent portions of the District plan and any school plan shall be provided to the parents of students at each school and the staff of each school. Each school shall also designate an Emergency Preparedness/Emergency Response week each year before April 30.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-4(1), (2), (3) (July 11, 2023)
Emergency Preparedness Training—
The Board of Education shall, by July 1 of each year, certify to the State Superintendent that the District emergency response plan has been practiced at the school level and has been presented to and reviewed by the District’s teachers, administrators, students and their parents, and public safety representatives.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-3(1) (July 11, 2023)
The District shall provide annual training to District and school staff on their roles, responsibilities, and priorities in the emergency response plan.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-7(1)(a) (July 11, 2023)
Each school shall conduct emergency drills as required by Utah State Board of Education Rule R277-400-6(2).
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-6(2) (July 11, 2023)
School Building Access—
With respect to building access during an emergency by various groups (including students, employees, community members, lessees, invitees, and others), the emergency response plan shall consider identified time periods and shall address possession and use of school building keys by designated administrators and employees. The plan may include restricted access for some individuals.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-400-5(1)(c) (July 11, 2023)
Cooperation With Other Government Entities—
As appropriate, the Board of Education may enter into cooperative agreements with other governmental entities to establish proper coordination and support during emergencies.
The Board shall cooperate with other governmental entities to provide emergency relief services in times of public need. For statewide emergencies or emergencies involving more than one school district, the State Superintendent is the chief officer to coordinate assistance by the schools. For emergencies within the school district, the Board of Education, through the superintendent, is the chief officer to coordinate assistance by the schools.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846