
dkc-Employee travel reimbursement

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Date Adopted: 7 May 2002

Current Review / Revision: 7 December 2022

This policy governs the approval and payment of Emery County School District travel expenses and defines an efficient method for managing staff travel.

1.   Reimbursement will be made to District personnel who incur reasonable and necessary approved travel expenses. Travel may only be approved when budgets are sufficient for the estimated expenses. Travelers shall be reimbursed for all reimbursable travel costs, as defined in this policy.

2.   Approvals: All travel for which reimbursement will be requested requires the following approvals:

  • All in-state travel must be pre-approved by the immediate supervisor and by the appropriate District supervisor.
  • All out-of-state travel to neighboring states (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Nevada) must be pre-approved by the immediate supervisor, by the appropriate District supervisor, and by the Superintendent.
  • All out-of-state travel to states other than those listed in (2.B.b) and any out of country travel must be pre-approved by the immediate supervisor, by the appropriate District supervisor, by the Superintendent, and by the Board of Education.

3.   A travel authorization form must be completed prior to registration for conferences and events, and approved by the employees’ immediate supervisor. The form must include the dates and purpose of travel, destination, estimate of travel cost, lodging and per diem costs. Supporting documentation is required for each traveler. Each traveler must complete an authorization form. Authorizations must be approved prior to purchase or booking of any travel arrangements.

4.   Arrangement of air transportation, lodging, and rental cars can be made with the District Accounts Payable Specialist, except where arrangements are made through professional associations. Arrangements should be paid for through ECSD payment methods when possible; otherwise, with personal credit cards. If arrangements are made individually, a minimum of three (3) quotes are required and must be documented before expending any reimbursable funds.

5.   Cash advances may be made up to the estimated reimbursable costs. Requests must be made at least ten (10) working days prior to travel. Settlement must be made within ten (10) working days of return.

6.   Requests for travel reimbursement shall be made within 30 days of return from travel by completing a general reimbursement form, and must be accompanied by quotes and original receipts. Agendas and registration forms for meetings or conferences attended should also be attached. Reimbursement will not be made for unsubstantiated expenses. 

Airfare Reimbursement Rates

1.   Reimbursement will be made at actual cost for coach-class tickets. Any exception must be pre-approved.

2.   A minimum of two (2) quotes are required unless arrangements are made through the District Accounts Payable Specialist.

Meal Reimbursement Rates

1.   The policy of the District is to reimburse meal expenses based on actual costs, up to the amounts listed below. All rates in this section include taxes and tips. Meals included in the registration for a function will be deducted according to the allowances listed below. Alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable.

2.   In-State Travel: The basic meal allowance for a 24-hour period of travel is $40.
•   Breakfast: $14.00
•   Lunch: $16.00
•   Dinner: $29.00

3.   Out of State Travel: The basic meal allowance for a 24-hour period of travel is $50.
•   Breakfast: $16.00
•   Lunch: $18.00
•   Dinner: $31.00

4.   Premium Cities: When traveling out of state, travelers may be eligible for a higher meal allowance. Meals will be reimbursed at actual cost up to the current Federal per-diem rates (www.gsa.gov) for the location.

5.   When conducting pre-approved travel outside of Emery School District, meals are reimbursable as listed below. Any exception to this must be approved by the appropriate District supervisor.

•   Breakfast: When the individual leaves home or work before 6:00 am
•   Lunch: When the traveler leaves home or work before 10:00 am and returns after 2:00 pm
•   Dinner: When the individual leaves home or work and returns after 7:00 pm

Lodging Reimbursement Rates

1.   In-State Lodging:

•   Non-conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost, not to exceed the Federal lodging rate for the location (www.gsa.gov). In-state locations without a Federal rate will be reimbursed up to the rate for the Salt Lake metropolitan area.

•   Conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost.

2.   Out of State Lodging:

•   Non-conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost, not to exceed the Federal lodging rate for the location (www.gsa.gov).

•   Conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost.

Incidentals Reimbursement

1.   Gratuities: For out-of-state travel, reimbursement will be made for up to $3.00 per day for necessary incidental gratuities such as baggage tips. Meal gratuities are included in the meal rates.

2.   Ground Transportation: Necessary use of taxi, bus, subway, or other ground transportation will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

3.   Parking: Airport parking will be reimbursed at a maximum of the airport long-term parking rate. Hotel parking will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

4.   Telephone Calls: Business related calls will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

Lodging Reimbursement Rates

1.   In-State Lodging:

•   Non-conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost, not to exceed the Federal lodging rate for the location (www.gsa.gov). In-state locations without a Federal rate will be reimbursed up to the rate for the Salt Lake metropolitan area.

•   Conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost.

2.   Out of State Lodging:

•   Non-conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost, not to exceed the Federal lodging rate for the location (www.gsa.gov).

•   Conference hotels: The District will reimburse the actual cost.

Incidentals Reimbursement

1.   Gratuities: For out-of-state travel, reimbursement will be made for up to $3.00 per day for necessary incidental gratuities such as baggage tips. Meal gratuities are included in the meal rates.

2.   Ground Transportation: Necessary use of taxi, bus, subway, or other ground transportation will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

3.   Parking: Airport parking will be reimbursed at a maximum of the airport long-term parking rate. Hotel parking will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

4.   Telephone Calls: Business related calls will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipts are required.

Private Vehicle Use & Reimbursement

1.   District vehicles should be used for approved travel whenever possible. To be reimbursable, private vehicle mileage must be for a required and pre-approved business purpose. The standard reimbursement rate is the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate. If the traveler could take a District vehicle but chooses to drive a private vehicle, the reimbursement rate is half the IRS mileage reimbursement rate. Travelers should contact District Transportation (435-381-2611) prior to traveling to verify if a District vehicle is available.

2.   Mileage will be calculated as round-trip from the point of origin to the destination and will not include miles driven while at the destination. Exceptions must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and include a written justification.

3.   Damage to Vehicle: Personal vehicles are not insured by the District when being driven for business purposes. Damage to a personal vehicle is the responsibility of the traveler and his/her insurance company.

4.   A District mileage reimbursement form should be submitted for each mileage claim within 45 days of return from travel. These forms are available on the District website. Paper copies can be obtained by contacting the District Business Office. The submitted form must include the dates and purpose of travel, destination(s), time of departure and return, and actual mileage. 

Rental Vehicle Reimbursement

1.   Use of rental vehicles must be approved in advance by the appropriate District Supervisor.

2.   The traveler will be reimbursed at actual cost. Any reservation for other than an economy class vehicle must be pre-approved with a written justification. A receipt is required.

3.   Travelers should rent vehicles using the State of Utah contract. This provides the District and traveler with full coverage under the State’s liability insurance. 

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