Date Adopted: 18 June 2013
Current Review / Revision: 3 December 2014
The Board recognizes that the safety of students and staff is best met by preparedness response that ensures the health and safety of students and staff is safeguarded, any disruption to the education program is minimized, and students and employees are trained to respond to emergency situations.
It is the policy of the Emery County School District that the School District Administration establish a District Emergency Management Plan which shall be maintained and provide operational direction in the event of emergency incidents. The District Plan is the implementing document for this policy. It outlines the what, where, and when in relation to emergency preparedness and incident response in the District.
Each school in the District shall also have an Emergency Response Plan that is patterned after the District plan and ensures the safety and welfare of students and employees during any type of incident or emergency in the school. School plans shall follow guidelines and requirements of Utah Board of Education Rule R277- 400 - School Emergency Response Plan. Plans shall be updated annually by the school principal.
District and school plans shall be approved at least every three years by the District Safety Committee which may include school and district administrators, teachers, parents, fire and law enforcement, public and mental health personnel, etc. A copy of each school plan shall be on file at the District Office.
District and School Plans shall include:
Each school shall insure that parents receive written notice of relevant sections of the school plans. Schools within the District shall also conduct at least one annual drill for school violence emergencies.
Each school shall review existing security measures practicable for participants and attendees at school-related activities.
Schools shall provide as part of their regular curriculum, age-appropriate comprehensive violence prevention and intervention strategies such as anger management, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and other cultures.
The District will coordinate with other agencies to provide student assistance and support for trauma from emergencies and/or incidents of violence.
Under Utah State Board Rule R277-400-10, the District shall record District funds expended for emergencies, for assessing and repairing damage, and for seeking reimbursement for emergency expenditures.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846