Date Adopted: 10 August 1999
Current Review / Revision: 3 January 2023
To maintain a respectful and positive experience for parents and students during meal service, Emery School District encourages pre-payment for all meals, and charged meals are to be granted in emergency cases only.
Emergency Meal Service: The Board of Education acknowledges that on occasion, students may not have meal money. In such cases, a meal will be made available. School lunch employees shall not withhold a meal or otherwise call attention to the student without meal money. An employee may remind a student attending a secondary school that their account is in the negative. The cost of the unpaid meal will be charged to the student’s account.
Evaluation of Individual Circumstances: School administrators may work with the family to apply for school meal benefits.
Federal guidelines prohibit the Food and Nutrition operation from writing off bad debts as a result of charged meals. Every effort will be made to collect for unpaid meals.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846