Date Adopted: 7 September 1988
Current Review / Revision: 7 January 1998
A complaint is an assertion by an employee that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of District policies, regulations and procedures, existing laws, or other actions that adversely and directly affect the employee personally and/or her/his work.
It is the intent of this procedure, that employee complaints will be identified and corrected at the earliest possible time, and at the lowest level of supervision.
Complaint processing should be viewed as a positive and constructive effort which seeks to establish the facts upon which the complaint is based and come to a fair conclusion. Employees will not be discriminated against, nor will reprisal be attempted against an employee because she/he has filed a complaint.
Complaints will be processed according to the step-by-step procedures outlined below:
Working Site Level (Step 1)
District Level (Step 2)
Governing Board Level (Step 3)
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846