
GCFC- LEA Specific Educator Licensing

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Date Adopted: 2 September 2020

Current Review / Revision: 9 October 2024

License Definitions

The following designations apply to educator licenses, license areas of concentration, and content endorsements. For more information please see Utah Administrative Rule R277-301 Educator Licensing.

Professional: The license-holder has met all requirements established by the state of Utah to be employed as an educator in the area of licensure.

Associate: The license-holder has met the minimum requirements established by the state of Utah to be temporarily employed as an educator in the area of licensure for three years. To continue to be employed as an educator beyond three years, the license-holder must meet the requirements for a Professional license.

LEA-specific: The license-holder has met the requirements established by the Emery School District Board of Education to be employed as an educator in the area of licensure in Emery School District.

LEA Specific

The Board recognizes circumstances where teachers will be hired and qualified for positions using Local Educational Agency (LEA) specific licenses. The Board delegates to the administration the responsibility for implementing policy for LEA-specific licenses in accordance with USBE Rule R277-301.

Educator License Eligibility

All applicants must:

a) Complete a bachelor's or higher degree in a related field of study; or

b) Have exceptional or specialized occupational experience, training, or expertise directly related to the area of assignment; and,

c) Complete a criminal background check including review of any criminal offenses and clearance in accordance with Rule R277-214; and,

d) Complete the educator ethics review described in Rule R277-500-3 within one year of the application.

Educator Endorsement Eligibility

This authorization may be issued for a one to three-year period upon request from a District administrator for a licensed teacher who is not endorsed in the area of assignment.

Educator License or Endorsement Approval

The application must receive approval from the Emery School District Board of Education in a public meeting no more than 60 days prior to employment and include:

a) Rationale for the appointment of an Emery LEA-specific license or endorsement.

b) Verification that there is an inadequate supply of highly qualified and suitable licensed applicants in the license and endorsement area by posting the position for a reasonable period of not less than 2 weeks.

Related Information

An Emery School District LEA-specific license area or endorsement is valid for up to three years. After three years, renewal of the license is subject to the approval or denial of the Utah State Board of Education.

Upon an initial 3-year period and a subsequent renewal request up to 3 years (Maximum six years) to the Utah State Board of Education. An educator that has failed to license will result in the District not renewing an employment contract to the educator.

The District may retain an unlicensed educator based on imminent need, but will be on a probationary status without expectation of continued employment.

An Emery School District LEA-specific license expires immediately if the educator's employment with Emery School District ends and the educator is not rehired by the District as an educator in the next contract year.

The District is not authorized to provide an LEA-specific educator license in the areas of:

a) Special Education

b) Preschool Special Education

LEA-specific Educator Training, Mentoring, and Support

Within the first year of employment, the educator must complete the following training:

a) Educator ethics;

b) Classroom management and instruction;

c) Basic special education law and instruction; and

d) Utah Effective Teaching Standards described in R277-530.

e) The educator must participate in the District’s Mentoring Program.

The District shall provide at least a two-year mentoring program by a trained mentor educator who:

a) Holds a professional educator license; and

b) Where possible, performs substantially the same duties as the educator.

c) The assigned mentor shall assist the educator to meet the Utah Effective Educator Standards established in Rule R277-530 but may not serve as an evaluator of the educator.

The Applicant and the District will jointly develop a licensing plan to:

a) Encourage transition from an Emery LEA License to a Professional License.

b) Identify applicable educational, skill, and/or content knowledge requirements for enrollment in a qualified educator preparation program.

c) Identify paths and opportunities to prepare for successful passage of a pedagogical performance assessment.

d) Develop significant competency and knowledge sufficient to justify an extension request from the Utah State Board of Education for a continued Emery LEA License if transition to an Associate License is not reasonable or applicable.

For each school that requests LEA-specific licenses, license areas, or endorsements, the following information shall be posted on its website:

a) Disclosure of the fact that the school employs individuals holding LEA-specific educator licenses, license areas, or endorsements,

b) Percentage of LEA-specific licenses, license areas, or endorsements,

c) A link to the Utah State Board of Education Utah Educator Look-up Tool in accordance with R277-515-7(6).


To qualify for an LEA Specific License, an applicant must acknowledge and agree by signature to the following conditions:

Employee understands and agrees that this contract may be immediately terminated by the District without further recourse on the part of Employee if:

a. At any point during the contract term the Employee loses—or is unable to obtain renewal of—any necessary legal authorization required to work in the United States of America;

b. At any point during the contract term, the Employee loses—or is unable to obtain renewal of—any required license or certification necessary to be employed in the position for which the Employee was hired.

c. If after the three-year licensure period the employee is retained and remains unlicensed, the employee will: not be eligible for advancement on the salary schedule (frozen step 3 and lane 1), not eligible for district offered (extended-day) incentive compensation, will not be eligible for paid prep periods for teaching as well as any additional district incentive (bonus), but will be compensated at a rate consistent with Step 3 Lane 1 on the Educator Salary Schedule.

I understand that failure to complete any of the requirements listed on this document by the deadline relevant to each will may result in my employment contract with Emery School District not being renewed for the _______________school year and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation of employment.

Assigned timeline ____________________________________

Employee Signature: ___________________________________

Type name: _________________________________________

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