
GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities

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Date Adopted: 2 November 1988

Current Review / Revision: 8 October 2003

Encouragement shall be given to personnel to attend meetings, take courses, belong to organizations, and read literature describing innovative practices and the solving of problems.

The Board will provide for growth through:

  1. Planned in-service programs and workshops offered within the school district from time to time; and
  2. Released time for visits to other classrooms and schools, and for attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, and professional meetings.

Employee-Initiated Training

The Board recognizes the value of staff who are familiar with student problems and needs. For this reason, the Board would like staff to limit, as much as possible, requests to attend workshops, conventions, etc. while school is in session. Approval for attendance at workshops while school is in session shall be based on the following criteria:

  1. Shall be granted only to those employees who have successfully completed three years in the Emery District;
  2. Must be in the area of employment and appropriate to staff assignment as determined by the District Office;
  3. Request to attend must be in writing and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the workshop;
  4. Employees shall be limited to one-self-initiated workshop in two years;
  5. Participation in out-of-state workshops and conventions shall be limited to once in three years; and
  6. Expense reimbursement shall be limited to the payment of one-half the costs incurred to attend the workshop as determined appropriate by the superintendent.

District Initiated Training

When it is deemed by the Board, or its administrative staff, that a workshop is essential and attendance of staff members is appropriate, the following shall apply:

  1. The district shall pay registration costs;
  2. The District shall reimburse the employee for transportation, room, and meal expenses if the workshop is out of the District; and
  3. Mileage will be paid to required in-District workshops if round trip travel is in excess of sixty miles from the assigned work station. Car pooling is recommended where possible.

Staff attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, etc. conducted in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Nevada will be subject to final approval by the superintendent. Attendance at other out-of-state locations will be subject to recommendation by the superintendent and final approval by the Board of Education.

Counselor License

The Board recognizes the need for counselors and will, when it is determined to be in the best interest of the District, provide financial assistance for teachers to obtain counseling credentials on the following basis:

  1. A screening committee will be appointed consisting of two District Office administrators, two principals, and an elementary, middle school, and high school teacher.
  2. This screening committee shall interview all candidates, review their proposed courses, and provide a recommendation of action to the Board. No more than three employees will be in the program at one time.
  3. Minimum requirements for candidacy are:
  4. A score of 1000 on the combined verbal and quantitative sections on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE);
  5. An employee of the District who has become a career educator;
  6. The ability to provide ten years of service to the Emery District after licensure completion;
  7. Provide three years of full-time employment in the Emery District after licensure completion;
  8. Provide 150 hours per year of volunteer counseling service for three years after licensure; and
  9. The volunteer counseling provision will be waived if the candidate becomes employed as a counselor in the District.
  10. The candidates will pay the first one-third of the program costs. Emery District will pay the remaining two­ thirds of the costs of tuition and books on a reimbursement basis for successfully completed courses (B grade or higher). Maximum District participation will be determined by the Board based on the average current costs of tuition and books for a counseling program. This licensure program must be completed within three years.
  11. If the candidate fails to complete the course and obtain a Utah counseling license, or fails to remain in the District three years after course completion and provide the required counseling service, then the full amount of District participation will be refunded by the employee.
  12. Required refunding will be subject to Board review and may be waived by the Board if deemed appropriate.

Interest Free Loans

The Board of Education will also consider requests from educators for interest-free loans to assist in obtaining a counseling license based on the same eligibility requirements listed in this policy. Interest-free loans will be limited to three individuals at any one time and will be repaid through District payroll deductions over a period of time not to exceed five years beginning on the first day of the month following disbursement of the funds to the employee. District interest-free loans under this program shall not exceed $6,000. Should an educator drop out of the program or leave the District prior to repaying the balance of the loan, the remaining balance will be due immediately unless an exception is approved by the Board. Approval of requests for participation in this program will be made by the Board.

Administrative License

In an effort to ensure that qualified administrators are available in the District, the Board will, when it is determined to be in the best interest of the District, provide financial assistance in obtaining credentials as follows:

The employee must:

  1. Have obtained the status of Career Educator;
  2. Obtain unqualified acceptance as a candidate for an administrative credential in an accredited institution of higher education in the State of Utah;
  3. Complete the District's Peer Coaching program;
  4. Have the ability to provide ten years of service to the Emery District after obtaining an administrative license; and
  5. Provide a minimum of three years of service to the Emery District after obtaining an administrative license.

The Emery District will pay tuition and books on a reimbursement basis for successfully completed courses (B grade or higher).

The licensing program must be completed within four years. If the candidate fails to complete the course and obtain a Utah administrative license or fails to remain in the Emery District three years after course completion, then the full amount of District participation will be refunded by the employee. (This provision may be waived at the discretion of the Board).

lnterest-Free Loans

The Board of Education will also consider requests from educators for interest-free loans to assist in obtaining an administrative license based on the same eligibility requirements listed in this policy. Interest-free loans will be limited to three individuals at any one time and will be repaid through District payroll deductions over a period of time not to exceed five years beginning on the first day of the month following disbursement of the funds to the employee. District interest-free loans under this program shall not exceed $6,000. Should an educator drop out of the program or leave the District prior to repaying the balance of the loan, the remaining balance will be due immediately, unless an exception is approved by the Board. Approval of requests for participation in this program will be made by the Board.

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