
GCJ - Professional Staff Classification

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Date Adopted: 17 February 1988

Current Review / Revision: 17 July 2013

The Board recognizes the necessity of employing educators in different classifications based on prior experience and performance. Therefore, educators employed by the district shall be classified according to the following:

Provisional Educator

  1. Any educator employed by the District who has had no previous professional teaching experience in the School District will be on provisional status for three (3) years.
  2. An educator with one (1) year of satisfactory teaching experience in the School District will be on provisional status for two (2) years.
  3. An educator with two (2) years of satisfactory teaching experience in the School District will be on provisional status for one (1) year.
  4. An educator with three (3) or more years of successful teaching experience in the School District, who leaves the District for any reason, and then returns, shall be on provisional status for one (1) year.

Probationary Educator: Any educator employed by the Emery District, regardless of classification, who, under local Board policy, has been advised by the District that his / her performance as an educator is inadequate.

Career Educator: Any educator who is not in the provisional, probationary or at-will educator classifications.

At-Will Educator: Any educator employed by the District for less than .5 FTE.

The District may extend the provisional status of an educator for up to two additional consecutive years if, in the judgment of the school and district administration, one or more of the following conditions exist:

  1. An educator, whose contract may otherwise have been non-renewed, could potentially succeed if they were given additional time and assistance.
  2. An educator had a verifiable health condition that significantly interfered with their ability to be successful and, given additional time, the educator could potentially succeed in their job assignment.
  3. The educator’s immediate supervisor recommends, on the final evaluation document of the educator’s last year on provisional status, that the educator be rehired as a provisional educator for the next school year. This recommendation would require approval of the Superintendent.
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