
GER- other employment

Date Adopted: 17 August 1988

Current Review / Revision: 4 February 1998

When a person is hired on a regular, full-time basis, the Board considers that it has given that person full-time employment. The Board, therefore, expects such employees to give the responsibilities of their positions in the District precedence over any type of outside part-time work.

The outside work done by a staff member is of concern to the Board insofar as it may:

  1. Prevent the employee from performing his/ her responsibilities in an effective manner;
  2. Be prejudicial to his/ her effectiveness in the position; or might compromise or embarrass the District;
  3. Raise a question of conflict of interest - for example where the employee's position in the District gives him or her access to information or another advantage useful to the outside employer.

Therefore, an employee will not perform any duties related to an outside job during his / her regular working hours or during the additional time that s/he needs to fulfill the responsibilities of the position; nor will an employee use any District facility, equipment, or materials in performing outside work.

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