
IGD - Textbook Adoption

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Date Adopted: 10 May 1995

Current Review / Revision: 17 June 1998

Textbook/program review and adoption will follow a systematic, ongoing procedure to ensure that current, effective, and appropriate textbooks/programs are made available for use in the classroom and that curriculum alignment is maintained.

Final textbook/program selection will be made at the school level, however, to ensure that continuity and articulation are maintained and that the curriculum does not become fragmented, the following principles are to be adhered to:

  1. Schools are to maintain curriculum articulation by selecting and using the same textbook/program series throughout the school for the subject area or course for which the textbook/program is being adopted. Articulation is also to be maintained within the school in secondary subject areas where courses are linked by skill level. (Ex. Algebra or Language Arts).
  2. Each school staff should become familiar with the textbooks and programs being used at the other schools to which they are connected (feeder schools), and make every effort to insure a smooth transition in curriculum as students move from one school to another.
  3. Only textbooks/programs which are listed on the State Textbook Adoption List for “comprehensive” use for the course and level being considered are to be reviewed for adoption.
  4. Site-based textbook selection will include maximum teacher participation.
  5. Final approval by the appropriate District supervisor and superintendent is required for all textbook/program adoptions.
  6. Principals will closely monitor use of adopted textbooks/programs to insure maximum and appropriate utilization by all teachers.
  7. The superintendent will evaluate and report to the Board, on a regular basis, on the textbook/ program adoption process.
  8. Student achievement and other criteria will be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of site-based textbook/program adoption and where problems exist, District intervention will take place to assist in resolving deficiencies.

Procedure for Elementary Schools

  1. The District Supervisor of Elementary Education will provide each school with a list of approved textbooks and publishers for the subject area being considered for adoption, along with any textbook evaluations provided by the Utah State Office of Education and/or the State Textbook Commission.
  2. Each elementary school will select several textbooks/programs for first-hand examination by each teacher who will be teaching the subject/course for which the textbook/program is being adopted. Textbooks/programs will be evaluated using a systematic approach which includes a set of specifically outlined criteria addressing the major elements of effective content and practice.
  3. The school will make a final selection and submit a request to the Supervisor of Elementary Education and the Superintendent for final approval.
  4. Following final approval, acquisition will be made according to existing procurement policies and the availability of funds.
  5. Each elementary school will work with the District Supervisor of Elementary Education to arrange for appropriate in-service for the school staff and will coordinate with other schools who have adopted the same textbook/program.

Procedure for Secondary Schools

  1. The District Supervisor of Secondary Education will provide each school with a list of approved textbooks and publishers for the subject area being considered for adoption, along with any textbook/program evaluations provided by the Utah State Office of Education and/or the State Textbook Commission.
  2. Teachers at each secondary school who are teaching the same subject/course will systematically review the currently published textbooks/programs in the subject area or course being considered for adoption. Textbooks/programs will be evaluated using a systematic approach which includes a set of specifically outlined criteria addressing the major elements of effective content and practice.
  3. Each school will review the evaluation results and make a final selection.
  4. The teachers will submit a request to the principal for approval of the selected textbook/program. The principal will submit a recommendation and request to the Supervisor of Secondary Education and the Superintendent for final approval.
  5. Following final approval, acquisition will be made according to existing procurement policies and the availability of funds.
  6. Each school will work with the District Supervisor of Secondary Education to arrange for appropriate in-service for the school staff and will coordinate with other schools who have adopted the same textbook/program.
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