
IJNDBA - Bring Your Own Technology

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Date Adopted: 3 May 2017

Current Review / Revision: 10 April 2024

The Emery County School District uses instructional technology as one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need as responsible citizens in the global community. Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day. In an effort to increase access to these 21st Century skills, the District will allow personal devices on the guest wireless networks available on school grounds. This access will be granted to students who agree to abide by the District’s Acceptable Use policy and the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) guidelines in this policy. 

The District strives to provide appropriate and adequate technology to support instructional purposes. The use of personal devices by students is optional, and students who do not participate in BYOT will not be penalized. Alternate methods of participation will be provided by the school or District. Students are expected to comply with all class, school, and District rules while using personal devices. The use of technology at school is privilege, not a right. When abused, these privileges may be taken away.

Device Types

For the purpose of this policy, “devices” will include: laptops, smartwatches, netbooks, cell phones, smart phones, iPods, tablets, e-Readers, and any other device with data or electronic communication capability. Portable gaming devices with data capability are not allowed. 


  • Students and parents/guardians participating in BYOT must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, Network Acceptable Use Policy and all Board policies.
  • Each teacher has full discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices for valid instructional projects in the classroom.
  • Approved devices must be in silent mode while on a school campus unless otherwise allowed by a teacher. Headphones may be used with teacher permission.
  • Devices may not be used to cheat on assignments, quizzes, or tests. Also, they may not be used for non-instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls, text messaging, or utilizing Social Media).
  • Students may not use devices to record, transmit, or post photographic images or video of a person or persons on campus during school hours or during school activities without the approval of those being photographed or videoed, as well as the approval of a teacher or administrator of that school.
  • Devices may only be used to access computer files on internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum. Teachers will provide a list of appropriate sites for any assignment/project which they allow the use of a BYOT device.

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices

Each user is responsible for her/his own device and should use it responsibly and appropriately. The District takes no responsibility for stolen, lost, or damaged devices, including lost or corrupt data on those devices. District employees are available to help students identify how to keep personal devices secure, however individual users maintain responsibility for securing personal devices. 

Usage Charges
The District is not responsible for any fees or charges incurred while using a personal device during approved school-related time. 

Network Considerations
Users should strive to maintain appropriate bandwidth for school-related work and communications. The District does not guarantee connectivity or the quality of any network connection with a personal device. The District’s technology department is not responsible for maintaining or troubleshooting personal devices.

By signing this policy, a student and her/his parent or guardian acknowledge the following:

  • The District’s network filters will be applied to a device’s network connection, and any attempt to bypass the network filters is prohibited. The District will not be held responsible for inappropriate content accessed or activities perused by a student who concisely bypasses the District’s network filters.
  • Devices are subject to search by school administrators and local authorities if the device is:
  • Suspected of a violation of the student code of conduct
  • Is suspected of causing technology problems
  • Is the suspected source of an attack or virus infection
  • Suspected of processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking” or “cracking.” 
  • Altering or bypassing network security policies.
  • Suspected of containing illegal material or of being used in any illegal activity
  • If the device is locked or password protected, the student will be required to unlock the device at the request of a school administrator, supervising teacher or local authority.
  • During the course of the school year, additional rules regarding the use of personal devices may be added.
  • Users should not use private data networks to enable other users to bypass the school's network and built-in safety features.

I understand and will abide by the above policy and guidelines. I further understand that any violation of this policy may result in the loss of network and/or device privileges as well as other disciplinary action

Signature of Student Date

Signature of Parent / Guardian Date

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