
JICE- Student Publications

Date Adopted: 16 November 1988

Current Review / Revision: 17 June 1998

Because the Board recognizes creative student expression as an educational benefit of the school experience, it encourages freedom of comment, both oral and written, in a school setting with a degree of order in which proper learning can take place.

One medium of expression is student journalism. Some student publications, such as annual yearbooks and school newspapers, may be educational devices developed as part of the curriculum to benefit primarily those who compile, edit, and publish them. Only qualified faculty advisors will be assigned to guide students engaged in these activities. Any commercial advertisements in such publications will conform to Board regulations.

Students' first amendment rights to freedom of expression and equal protection of the law will be observed in regard to student publications, whether school-sponsored or non-school-sponsored. The observance of these rights must be balanced against the duty of educating students in an orderly manner to protect the rights of all.

Students may be required to submit publications for approval prior to distribution. When approval is required, school administrators must make available to students the standards which will be used in determining the grant or denial of permission. Such guidelines will be specific and will be directed toward ascertaining which publications will cause substantial disruption of, or material interference with, such activities or intrusions into school affairs or the lives of others.

Prior restraints will contain precise criteria spelling out what is forbidden so that a student will understand. A definite brief time limit will be set within which school officials must approve or disapprove distribution. To be valid, these guidelines must prescribe a procedure for appeals from students.

It will be the responsibility of the local school administrators to promulgate reasonable and specific regulations setting forth the time, manner and place in which distribution of student publications may occur. Students who become subject to discipline for failure to comply with distribution rules will be granted procedural due process.

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