Date Adopted: 15 February 1989
Current Review / Revision: 8 April 1998
The Board of Education of the Emery County School District recognizes that all students have a right to attend school in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Since alcohol and other drug abuse is illegal and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of children and adolescents, the District has a fundamental legal and ethical obligation to prevent drug abuse and to maintain a drug-free educational environment.
Definition of Terms
The words "use", "possession", "sale", "drug paraphernalia", "alcoholic beverage", "drugs", "controlled substances", and "imitation controlled substances", shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Utah Code. "Resorting/visiting" means knowingly and intentionally being present where controlled substances are being used or possessed on school grounds or school activities where use is open, obvious, apparent, and not concealed from those present. The word "parents" means natural parents, foster parents, or legal guardians. The words "designated educator" means the individual designated by the principal of a school to receive from other school personnel reports of prohibited acts by students. "Employee" means a person employed by the District.
Statement of Policy
The Board of Education recognizes that the illicit use, possession, distribution, or sale of alcohol, controlled substances, imitation controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia constitutes a hazard to students and is illegal under the statutes of the State of Utah. Therefore, the use, possession, distribution, or sale of such substances and paraphernalia are prohibited on any District-owned property, at any activity sponsored by any of the District schools, or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the District or school whether or not it is District-owned property or during regular school hours.
Policy Goals
Report of Violations of the Drug and Alcohol Policy
Mandatory Reporting:
Reporting Procedure:
3. The principal or designated educator shall not disclose to the student or to the student's parent(s) the identity of the employee who made the initial report.
4. The Board recognizes that what is illegal out of school is also illegal in school. The Board further acknowledges that the District's mission is to educate rather than that oflaw enforcement. Violations of this policy may be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency by the principal or the designated educator.
5. In reporting suspected violations of this policy, employees should bear in mind that: (See Exhibit A).
6. In reporting a student suspected of possession or using drugs or alcohol, the procedure outlined in Exhibit A should be followed.
7. In reporting a student suspected of distributing or selling drugs or alcohol, the procedure outlined in Exhibit B should be followed.
8. If an intruder (trespasser) is identified as supplying drugs or alcohol, the principal or designated educator should call the sheriff to investigate and remove the intruder, and should assist the sheriff by preparing a list of potential
Procedural Due Process
Students must be granted due process rights secured by the U.S. Constitution. Due process requires that if a student is to be suspended for 10 days or less:
If a student is to be suspended for more than ten (IO) days, or be expelled, more formal due process procedures are required. These procedures include:
Penalties for Drug/Alcohol Related Activities
Disciplinary action, independent of any court action, will be taken by the District in cases involving the use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol, controlled substances, imitation controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, or for students visiting/resorting. Students may be subject to immediate in-school- suspension, suspension, change of school program, or possible expulsion for violation of the policy.
A student who violates the District Alcohol and Drug policy a second time shall be expelled from school if he/she has attained the age of 16 years or more. If under 16 years of age, the student will be placed in an alternative school arrangement
Student Self-Referral
If a student voluntarily admits to having a drug or alcohol abuse problem, the District will provide a conference with the principal or designated educator, waive the school penalties regarding suspension, ineligibility to participate in school activities, and reporting to the sheriff. The District will provide counseling for first time offenders as outlined in VII, A, 3. Possible additional resources for assistance will be provided and the student's participation in the Peer Helper Program will be encouraged.
The District will maintain confidentiality concerning offenders of this policy in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and appropriate State regulations.
Searches and Seizures
To enforce this policy, the District reserves the right to conduct searches and seizures in accordance with standards established by the U. S. Supreme Court and the State of Utah. The administration shall provide staff with current information and training regarding those standards.
Drug/Alcohol Related Emergencies
Emergencies related to use of drugs or alcohol will be handled in the same manner as a serious accident or illness.
Drug and Alcohol Curricula
The Board recognizes that one of the most effective tools to help students combat the use of drugs and alcohol is to have instructionally sound drug and alcohol education units that are progressively reinforcing from kindergarten through high school. These units are to be well integrated into the regular curricula and designed to build awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and other psychoactive drugs. The Board directs that such curricula be implemented in the District's schools at each grade level. All teachers are to participate in in-service training components on drug education designed to help them feel comfortable in using the curricula and understanding the value in preventing student experimentation with and use of drugs which may lead to eventual dependency.
Communication of the Drug and Alcohol Policy
The Board directs that this Drug and Alcohol policy be formally communicated to faculty, students, and parents, at least annually.
If a student is suspected of possession/using drugs or alcohol:
In general, a drug or alcohol related emergency should be handled like a serious accident or illness:
Among the behavioral indications that a student may be suffering from a drug reaction that requires medical assistance are the following:
A primary concern of all educators should be the academic performance of the students. Educators are not trained as diagnosticians or treatment professionals, and therefore, they should not attempt to perform such functions.
When and if a student is suspected of possession/using drugs or alcohol, the educator suspecting such behavior should:
Following is a suggested meeting/conference agenda for working with a suspected drug user:
If the school principal determines that a suspension is required, he/she shall:
2. Make a reasonable effort to notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) by telephone of the action being taken. If the parent(s) cannot be reached by phone, the pupil may be excluded from class but must remain at school, or be released to the sheriff. If the behavior of the pupil is, in the judgment of the principal, harmful to himself/herself or others, the principal should request assistance from the sheriff to effect the pupil's removal from the school building.
3. Prepare a letter containing the following information:
There are recurring situations in which prior notice and hearing cannot be insisted upon. Students whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process may be immediately removed from school. In such cases the necessary notice and rudimentary hearing will follow as soon as practicable. Determination as to whether a student's presence poses such a continuing danger shall be made by the school principal or designated educator.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846