
jja- Student clubs

Date Adopted: 2 November 2005

Current Review / Revision: 2 November 2005

It is the policy of the Emery County School District that student clubs be restricted to curriculum-related School Clubs. School Clubs are authorized in grades 6-12.

School Clubs are defined as clubs which are curriculum-related and:

  • whose subject matter is taught or will soon be taught in a regular course and does not have as its purpose, or part of its purpose, the advocacy of any political, theological, ideological or partisan view on curriculum-related subject matter;
  • whose subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole and does not have as its purpose, or part of its purpose, the advocacy of any political, theological, ideological or partisan view on curriculum-related subject matter;
  • in which participation in the club is required for a particular course; or
  • in which academic credit is given for participation in the club.

School Clubs may receive leadership, direction, and support from the school and District.

Application for School Clubs

  • A written request for the establishment of a School Club must be submitted to and approved by the school principal and must include:
  • The recommended club name;
  • A statement of purpose, goals and activities;
  • Documentation of curriculum relatedness (e.g. related course descriptions and disclosure statements);
  • Recommended meeting times, dates, places and the estimated number of student members;
  • The proposed club by-laws, which shall include at least the rules of organization, election of officers and membership criteria.

School Club Advisors

The school principal will annually designate a faculty advisor for each School Club. Faculty advisors organize and direct the purpose and activities of the School Clubs.


The school principal will determine and assign facilities for School Clubs consistent with the needs of the school


  • Membership in School Clubs is limited to students who are registered in the District.
  • School Clubs may require that prospective members try out based on objective criteria outlined in the club by- laws.
  • Membership may not be limited on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or disability.
  • A parent/guardian signature is required for membership and participation in School Clubs.
  • Non-school persons shall not direct, conduct, control or regularly attend meetings or activities of School Clubs. Non-school persons may attend on occasion to make presentation if approved in advance by the school principal and the club advisor.

School Club Termination

The school principal may terminate a club's authorization if the club activities extend beyond the scope of its purpose or violates the law and/or school or district policy.

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