Date Adopted: 20 June 1994
Current Review / Revision: 17 June 1998
It is the policy of the Emery County School District that homeless students be identified and provided with appropriate educational services in accordance with State and Federal laws. It is also the policy of the Emery County School District that those students who are identified as homeless be referred to appropriate community, County, and State agencies for assistance.
The Superintendent shall appoint a "local District homeless representative".
Definition of Homeless: [From Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act]
Identification and Referral
School personnel who suspect that a student may meet the identified criteria for being homeless shall refer the case to the principal along with any supporting information. The principal shall investigate and make referrals as appropriate. The principal shall also notify the Local District Homeless Representative of each referred homeless case along with information regarding action taken.
Homeless Youth "Early Warning Signs"
Early identification of students who may be at-risk for homelessness might include, but not be limited to, the following:
Local District Homeless Representative at 687-9846.
State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth at 801-538-7727.
120 N Main
Huntington, UT 84528
(435) 687-9846