
JQ- student fees

Date Adopted: 16 November 1988

Current Review / Revision: 17 June 2020

The Emery County School District Board of Education adopts this policy to provide for the orderly establishment and management of a system of reasonable fees; to provide adequate notice to families of fees and fee waiver requirements; to establish a fair and efficient process for granting fee waivers; and to prohibit practices that would exclude students unable to pay fees from participation in school-sponsored activities or create a burden on a student or family as to have a detrimental impact on participation.

  • Schools may not charge or assess a fee or request or require something of monetary value as a condition to a student’s participation in an activity, class, or program provided, sponsored, or supported by a school including for a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity, unless the fee has been approved by and included in the annual district fee schedule.
  • To preserve equal opportunity for all students and to limit diversion of money and school and staff resources from the basic school program, the District and each school shall limit student expenditures for district and school-sponsored activities, including expenditures for uniforms, clubs, clinics, travel, and subject area and vocational leadership organizations, whether local, state, or national. 
  • To enable parents and students to make informed decisions prior to committing to enrollment or participation, a school shall provide to a parent of each student notice of the current fee schedule and the opportunity for fee waivers prior to the student being registered for a course, activity, or program.
  • A school shall provide an opportunity for a parent to apply to have fees waived and shall grant requested fee waivers to students who are eligible under the provisions of the District fee waiver policy.
  • A school may only collect a fee for an activity, class, or program provided, sponsored, or supported by a school consistent with District policies and state law.
  • The Board will annually review and approve a fee schedule prior to April 1st for the upcoming school year. Two opportunities for public comment will be provided annually in board meetings prior to approval. 


Definitions applicable to this policy are intended to be consistent with Utah administrative rules. In the case of a discrepancy, the administrative code shall prevail

  • "Cocurricular activity" means an activity, course, or program, outside of school hours, that also includes a required regular school day program or curriculum.
  • “Curricular activity” means an activity, course, or program that is: provided, sponsored, or supported by the District; and conducted only during school hours.
  • "Extracurricular activity" means an activity for students, outside of the regular school day, that:
  • is sponsored, recognized, or sanctioned by the District; and
  • supplements or compliments, but is not part of, the District's required program or regular curriculum.
  • “Fee” means a charge, expense, deposit, rental, or payment:
  • Regardless of how it is termed, described, requested, or required directly or indirectly;
  • In the form of money, goods, or services; and
  • That is a condition to a student’s full participation in an activity, course, or program that is   provided, sponsored, or supported by the District.
  • “Fee” incudes:
  • Money or something of monetary value raised by a student or student’s family through fundraising;
  • Charges for a school field or activity trip, including transportation, food, lodging, and admission;
  • Payments made to a third party that provides a part of a school activity, class, or program
  • Charges or expenditures for classroom textbooks, supplies, or materials:
  • Charges or expenditures for school activity clothing; and
  • A fine, other than a fine identified in the subsection below.
  • “Fee” does not include:
  • A student fine specifically approved by the Board for:
  1. failing to return school property;
  2. losing, wasting, or damaging private or school property through intentional, careless, or irresponsible behavior; or
  3. improper use of school property, including a parking violation.
  4. A payment for school breakfast or lunch.
  • A deposit that is:
  1. a pledge securing the return of school property that is refunded upon the return of property; or
  2. a charge for insurance, unless the insurance is required for student participation. 
  • Charges associated with a student’s participation in a noncurricular club.
  • "Noncurricular club" is a student-initiated group that may be authorized and allowed school facilities use during noninstructional time in secondary schools by a school and the District. A noncurricular club's meetings, ideas, and activities are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by the District, the school, or by school or school district employees.
  • "Provided, sponsored, or supported by a school" means an activity, class, program, fundraiser, club, camp, clinic, or other event that:
  • is authorized by the District or school, according to Board policy; or
  • satisfies at least one of the following conditions:
  1. the activity, class, program, fundraiser, club, camp, clinic, or other event is managed or supervised by the District or school, or a district or school employee;
  2. the activity, class, program, fundraiser, club, camp, clinic, or other event uses, more than inconsequentially, the District or school's facilities, equipment, or other school resources; or
  3. the activity, class, program, fund-raising event, club, camp, clinic, or other event is supported or subsidized, more than inconsequentially, by public funds, including the school's activity funds or minimum school program dollars.
  • "Regular school day" means a minimum of two hours per day per session in kindergarten and a minimum of four hours per day in grades one through twelve.
  • "Requested or required by the District as a condition to a student's participation" means something of monetary value that is impliedly or explicitly mandated or necessary for a student, parent, or family to provide so that a student may:
  • fully participate in school or in a school activity, class, or program;
  • successfully complete a school class for the highest grade; or
  • avoid a direct or indirect limitation on full participation in a school activity, class, or program, including limitations created by:
  1. peer pressure, shaming, stigmatizing, bullying, or the like; or
  2. withholding or curtailing any privilege that is otherwise provided to any other student.
  • "Something of monetary value" means a charge, expense, deposit, rental, or payment, regardless of how the payment is requested or required directly or indirectly, in the form of money, goods or services. This includes:
  • charges or expenditures for a school field trip or activity trip, including related transportation, food, lodging, and admission charges;
  • payments made to a third party that provide a part of a school activity, class, or program;
  • classroom supplies or materials; and
  • a fine, except for a student fine specifically approved by the District for:
  1. failing to return school property;
  2. losing, wasting, or damaging private or school property through intentional, careless, or irresponsible behavior; or
  3. improper use of school property, including a parking violation.
  • "Student supplies" means items which are the personal property of a student which, although used in the instructional process, are also commonly purchased and used by persons not enrolled in the class or activity in question and have a high probability of regular use in other than school-sponsored activities.
  • "Student supplies" include pencils, paper, notebooks, crayons, scissors, basic clothing for healthy lifestyle classes, and similar personal or consumable items over which a student retains ownership.
  • "Student supplies" does not include items listed above if the requirement from the school for the student supply includes specific requirements such as brand, color, or a special imprint in order to create a uniform appearance not related to basic function.
  • "Textbook" means instructional material necessary for participation in a course or program, regardless of the format of the material including: books, printed materials, and consumable workbooks; computer hardware, software, or digital content; and the cost of maintenance and replacement as a result of normal use. "Textbook" does not include instructional equipment.

Curricular Fees—Elementary Schools

  • The District does not charge fees in elementary schools for any regular school day activity including assemblies and field trips or for any snacks, materials, textbooks, instructional or school supplies.
  • Elementary schools will provide any necessary school supplies not voluntarily furnished by a parent or guardian. Elementary schools or teachers may provide to a student’s parent or guardian a suggested list of student supplies for use during the regular school day so that a parent or guardian may furnish, on a voluntary basis, those supplies for student use. Such a list must include the following, or similar language: “The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.”

Curricular Fees—Secondary Schools

  • All curricular textbooks, supplies, or materials required to earn the highest grade in each regular school day curricular class will be provided for secondary students, with any exceptions noted below.
  • A textbook fee may be charged for concurrent enrollment or advanced placement courses, and these fees are subject to fee waivers if assessed by the District. If assessed by the college or university, textbook fees are not waivable.   
  • Remedial courses and credit recovery fees are subject to all school fee requirements. These fees are included on the district fee schedule and are subject to fee waivers.
  • Schools may charge a fee for instructional equipment, subject to fee waivers. Instructional equipment means equipment, supplies, tools, or instruments required for a student to use as part of a secondary course that become the property of the student upon exiting the course.
  • In project related courses, supplies & materials (but not instructional equipment—see above) will be provided to students for projects that are required in order to earn the highest grade available in the course.
  •  A school can charge a student for materials or require a student to provide materials if the student chooses and the course teacher approves a project in lieu of, or in addition to, a required classroom project. The additional costs for these discretionary projects are not subject to fee waiver.
  • A school shall avoid allowing high cost projects, particularly if authorization of such projects results in pressure on any student by teachers or peers to also complete a similar high cost project. A school or teacher may not require a student to select an additional project as a condition to enrolling, completing, or receiving the highest possible grade for a course.

Cocurricular & Extracurricular Fees—All Schools

  • Fees may be charged in connection with any school-sponsored cocurricular or extracurricular activity, if:
  • participation in the activity is voluntary;
  • the fee is on the Board approved fee schedule;
  • the amount collected from the student is equal to or less than the maximum fee amount on the approved fee schedule;
  • the fee revenue is collected in compliance with District financial policies;
  • fee revenue is expended in compliance with the spend plan;
  • the fee is subject to the fee waiver requirements; and
  • for elementary schools, the student’s participation in the activity does not affect a student’s grade or ability to participate fully in any course taught during the regular school day.
  • Schools that provide an activity, class, or program outside of the regular school day or school calendar are subject to the provisions of this policy regardless of the time or season of the activity, class, or program.
  • In accordance with Utah administrative rules, the District may charge fees to students in grade six who attend a school that includes any of grades seven through twelve, provided the school follows a secondary model of delivering instruction to the school’s grade six students. The school shall annually provide notice to parents that the school will collect fees from grade six students and that the fees are subject to waiver.
  • If a school requires special shoes or items of clothing that meet specific requirements, including requesting a specific color, style, fabric, or imprint, the cost of the special shoes or items of clothing are considered a fee, and subject to fee waiver. 

Notice to Parents

  • Each school shall annually publish the Board’s approved fee schedule and fee waiver policies, including fee maximums, on the school’s website in an easily accessible location.
  • The parent of each student shall be provided a copy of the fee schedule and fee waiver policies & documents annually in the school’s registration materials.
  • Upon request, the school shall provide printed copies of fee schedule and waiver policies to a parent or guardian who is unable or chooses not to access them through the district or school website.
  • If more than 20% of the student or parent population of the District uses a single language other than English as their first language, the District will publish the fee schedule and fee waiver policies in the language of those families.
  • The administrator of a school shall make arrangements for a school or district representative to meet personally with each student’s parent or family and make available an interpreter for the parent to understand the fee schedule and waiver policies when the student or parent’s first language is a language other than English and the District has not published the information in the parent’s first language.


Collection of School Fees

  • A school may make an installment payment plan available to a parent or student to pay for a fee. A student may not collect or receive student fees from other students or parents.
  • A school may pursue reasonable methods for collecting student fees, but may not, as a result of unpaid fees:
  • exclude a student from a school, an activity, class, or program that is provided, sponsored, or supported by a school or District during the regular school day;
  • refuse to issue a course grade; or
  • deny a former or current student receipt of official student records, including written or electronic class schedules, grade reports, diplomas, or transcripts.
  • A school may exclude a student with unpaid fees owing from a graduation ceremony, only if the ceremony is not part of a regular school day activity, and the student and parent have received appropriate notice of anticipated exclusion.
  • A school may impose a reasonable charge to cover the cost of duplicating, mailing, or transmitting transcripts and other school records.
  • A school may not charge for duplicating, mailing, or transmitting copies of school records to an elementary or secondary school in which a former student is enrolled or intends to enroll.
  • If a school's property has been lost or willfully damaged, the school may withhold the issuance of an official written grade report, diploma, or transcript of the student responsible for the damage or loss until the student or the student's parent has paid for the damages. In this situation, a school may not withhold any records required for student enrollment or placement in a subsequent K-12 school.

Donations In-Lieu of Fee

  • Board policy regarding donations is primarily outlined in policy KCD—Donations & Gifts. A school may not request or accept a donation in lieu of a fee from a student or parent unless the activity, class, or program for which the donation is solicited will otherwise be fully funded by the school or district and receipt of the donation will not affect participation by an individual student.
  • A donation is a fee if a student or parent is required to make the donation as a condition to the student's participation in an activity, class, or program.

School Reporting Requirements 

  • Each school principal and the Board President shall submit a Certification of Compliance annually affirming compliance with the provisions of this policy.
  • The Superintendent shall submit a Certification of Compliance annually affirming compliance with the provisions of this policy and submit the following forms:
  • Student Fee Schedule with Spend Plan
  • School Fee Policy
  • School Fee Waiver Policy
  • Notice of Fee Waiver Criteria provided by the LEA to student’s parents
  •  Each school shall annually maintain records and submit documentation to the District regarding student enrollment and fee waiver information.


  • The Superintendent shall provide for annual training of district and school employees on fee related policies enacted by the Board specific to each employee’s job function.
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